Google "1442 Pavilion Dr. Memphis, TN 38109" Green Fest is between the Interpretive Center and the baseball field.
Memphis Storm Water and T.O. Fuller State Park are partnering to bring you a FREE family fun event called Green Fest! Originally called Fuller Fest and previously held in October by T.O. Fuller State Park, Green Fest is expanded with this partnership and moved to the first Saturday in November (the 3rd) from 10 am to 5 pm. In addition to the basketball, baseball, and Interpretive Center areas present at the location area of Green Fest, there will be:
Live music!
Awards ceremony at 1 pm to honor Memphis Youth who have worked to improve their watershed
Food trucks
Trail walks
Up to 20 vendors, exciting booths, and displays
Several prize winning opportunities: a watershed passport card, a raffle, and a 'Don't Flick It!' guessing game
Kids Activity Area by the playground adjacent to Picnic Shelter 2: Button Maker Craft, Watershed Model, Recycle Relay, the interactive UT Energy Trailer, and the Amazing Journey of a Waterdrop Game to become a Pollution Preventer !
We all live in a watershed, the area of land that drains to the same waterbody. Memphis has four watersheds. Three of them (the Loosahatchie River, Wolf River, and Nonconnah Creek) eventually drain to the fourth watershed, the Mississippi River Watershed. 31 of the 50 states in the USA and also 2 Canadian provinces have smaller watersheds that all drain to the mighty Mississippi River Watershed, making it the fourth largest watershed in the world! The Mississippi River Watershed itself eventually drains to the Gulf of Mexico, which becomes part of the Atlantic Ocean. Globally, we are all connected through our watersheds. And locally, we are all connected as well! Come and listen to the live music, visit the vendor tents (some of which include state groups, city groups, and other organizations) and let's better connect to improve our communities, City, and watersheds!
Visit to learn more about T.O. Fuller State Park!