Commercial Credit
A credit adjustment policy is in place to provide incentives for businesses to install storm water management controls. Nonresidential property owners may apply for a credit toward their storm water fee by implementing measures that either reduce the volume or improve the quality of storm water discharged from their site. The specifications for these measures and the application procedure are provided in the Storm Water Enterprise Fund Adjustment and Credit Manual, which you can download below.
it can be easy to implement BMPs to receive a Commercial credit!
Some of the BMPs you may choose for your commercial storm water credit include education on various storm water topics rotated throughout the year. The City of Memphis Storm Water Department has several flyers (most of which have a Spanish translation on the reverse side) already designed. You can use the flyers (and this website) as a resource! Select any of the topics to the right to download, print, and use as resources!
You can also use our online form to request Storm Water to come and do the talking with engaging presentations for youth and adults! Use the online form to request storm drain markers to mark storm drains (a BMP option in the manual), brochures to pass out to employees to raise awareness, and more!
Fees & Billing
The City of Memphis Storm Water Program is required by our NPDES Permit to do many things. To meet the requirements of our permit, the City established the Storm Water Enterprise Fund. You may specifically reference Ordinances 5135, 5157, and 5650. The fee funds the ongoing maintenance and improvement of the storm drain system, the detection and monitoring of illicit discharges, construction sites, public awareness, the sampling of our waterways, and more.