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An illicit discharge is any discharge into the storm water drainage system that is not composed entirely of storm water and is not specifically exempted by the storm water ordinances. Pollution prevention begins by identifying potential pollution sources and working to prevent them from becoming illicit discharges.
Individuals & Families
You are just a small house in a great big city. What can you possibly do to improve water quality? Well, a rain storm starts with the first drop of rain! Set the example and spread the word! Every drop of water and every person makes an impact on storm water quality! Make yours a positive one!
Businesses in Memphis can be big or small. But all businesses play a big role in the quality of the City’s storm water runoff! What can you possibly do to improve water quality? Well a rain storm starts with the first drop of rain! Set the example and spread the word! Every drop of water and every person makes an impact on storm water quality! Make yours a positive one!
Contractors & Consultants
Memphis is a big city and it is full of construction projects. The soil disturbed during the construction process is among the top pollutant in our surrounding waterbodies. Silt is easily transported by storm water and alters riverbeds and impairs water quality. EPSC measures must be taken.
Gurgle Factoid!
Storm water quality isn’t just about trash and yard waste. Vehicle fluids, bacteria from pet waste, and other unseen pollutants have a big impact.
Vehicle fluids (seen in storm water runoff from the image above) are carried to our waterbodies by the storm water drainage system. It is important to keep vehicles maintained.
Dog waste contains unseen bacteria that storm water runoff will carry to our lakes, streams, and rivers. It is important to pick up your pet's waste and dispose of it properly.