The Memphis Storm Water Department wants to honor teachers who go above and beyond to bring environmental education and storm water awareness to their students! Beginning this year, teachers who have done outside work of their own or invited us to their class to provide at least 8 of our many storm water education activities (selected to fit the teacher's lesson plans for math, science, reading, art, and more) can be honored with the Memphis Storm Water Department Teacher Appreciation Award! We deeply appreciate all teachers and we could not be what we are without their involvement to help us inspire and motivate students to make a positive impact on storm water quality! If you want to invite us to your classroom, fill in our form here!
We recently presented Ms. Berg her award for her work with Vollentine Optional Elementary School!
Ms. Berg is an enthusiastic science teacher at Vollentine Optional Elementary School who encourages her students to care and learn about their environment. She invited the City of Memphis Storm Water Department to her school several times last year to reinforce those lessons with unique hands-on activities like bug safaris. The students learned about erosion and had storm water themed activities before entering the 2017-2018 Lil' Pollution Preventer's Art Contest. Vollentine Optional Elementary School had a very impressive turnout of art work, which you can see here.